FINAS, Hulu Kelang, June 26, 2015 – (equivalent to 9 Ramadhan 1436H) , FINAS has organized the Raudhah Finas Program entitled “The Blessings of Ramadan” from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm at the Mini P. Ramlee Cinema.

The guest speaker, Ustaz Izzat Bin Hisham Fathi, who was one of the participants of the first season of “Pencetus Ummah” organized by ASTRO. He touched the 5 important things in achieving the blessings of Ramadan that is ITQAN:

I – Istiqamah
T – Thabat (strength)
Q – Qana’ah (nurtures a sense of gratitude)
A – Ibadah secara jujur (Worship honestly)
N – Nizom (discipline in worship)

A total of 76 FINAS officers was present for the talk delivered by Ustaz Izzat Bin Hisham Fathi. An open table sale session was held from 12:00 noon located outside the Mini P. Ramlee Cinema.

Teks: Siti Nur Rahmah Abdul Malik

Foto: Mohd Hudzairy Ab Rais

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